Heat Recovery Innovations
Our high-temperature heat exchanger technology is adaptable to a wide range of applications and operating parameters
Super Radiator Coils
Highly-Engineered Round-Tube Finned Heat Exchangers
Cooney Engineered Solutions
Freeze Block Coils help prevent freeze-damage to water and steam coils.
High Performance Coatings
- FinKote2
- FinKoteZX
- FinKoteHP
- Oxyhydrogen Brazing
- Gas is generated from water
- No more gas cylinders
- No more flame tuning.
- 80% Lower Emissions
- Lower Leakage
- Brazed-Plate HX
- Plate-and-Frame HX
- Shell-and-Tube HX
- Shell-and-Coil HX
- Shell-and-Plate HX